Friday, June 10, 2011

Potentilla anserina--Cinquefoil

I like this low-growing plant with ferny foliage and bright yellow flowers. But I have found that the Potentilla doesn't sell very well. Seems like people don't buy plants with yellow flowers because they are too ordinary. But this is a very dependable plant for sunny areas. Give it a try! I dare you to buy one and put it in your garden!

1 comment:

Country Mouse said...

You know, I'm learning to really appreciate yellow, as I look for native California plants for sunny areas close to a house - especially in our fire-prone area! I see that Potentilla anserina ssp. pacifica is a coastal subspecies that's locally native in my county - though maybe not at 900 feet on a dry ridge! - they are found in wetlands. But for the irrigated garden of a "defensible" zone around a house, it might be really nice!