Saturday, July 6, 2019


Bees on Purple Flower

Lavender has a strong smell. Some people like it, but it is too strong for me. It is used in soaps, perfumes, lotions, etc. Egyptians used it for their mummies. Romans used it for cooking and bathing. The name comes from the Latin word for "wash."

The smell is designed to deter insects. It can be used as a sachet in drawers to repel moths.

It is also psychoactive. It calms people down and helps them sleep. It can even be better than prescription anti-anxiety drugs.

There are side-effects, however. Lavender is an endocrine disrupter. It can cause enlarged breast tissue in boys. That might work for someone who is interested in a male to female transition. But others may want to steer clear.

(intoxicating) (insects)

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