When you don't look too closely, the flowers on this Ceanothus look sky blue, but close up, they are actually lavender. This variety was discovered grown at the UC Botanical Garden, where this pic was taken. This one is tall, maybe 15', and soon to come out to make room for other plants. Maybe they should sell it?
Anyway, this is one of many plants blooming now. Ceanothus is a great addition to a bay area garden. Blue or white flowers. Sometimes deep blue. Drought tolerant. I have heard that they live longer is you don't water them. The ones with the small spiny leaves, like Blue Jeans, are deer resistant. They feel very uncomfortable in the mouth.
The common name is California Lilac, but I don't like that name, because it is so different than lilac. I just call them Ceanothus. It is not that hard! Really!
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