Thursday, September 30, 2010
Dichondra argentea--Silver Falls Dichondra--Convolvulaceae
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Capparis spinosa--Common Caper-A Plant of the Bible
The plant is apparently easy to grow, needing little fertilizer or water. I like the way it drapes over the rocks at the UC Botanical Garden. And I love the big petals and fluffy lavender stamens of the flower. Very decorative!
(Sacred Plant)
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Malva crispa--Curled Mallow and Ladies
Curled Mallow was domesticated in Asia over 2,000 years ago. Like other mallows, it is eatable and has been used for human food. It can be cooked or eaten fresh, like in a salad. It is good for relieving constipation. It is also used to treat gastritis and coughs. Topical treatments can be used to soften skin or reduce the irritation of insect bites.
The leaves on this plant have mostly gone to support the insect population, but in the pictures I found online, the leaves are super curled and super cute. Maybe I'll try to find some seeds to grow this in my garden.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Francoa sonchifolia--Bridal Wreath--Francoaceae
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Brunsvigia marginata
Don't forget the Plant Sale, TODAY. Buy some plants and see a few plants. Should be fun.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Matthiola Tricuspidata--Three Horned Stock--Brassicaceae
Friday, September 24, 2010
Lycaste cruenta--Orchidaceae and Spanish Moss
This lovely yellow orchid is in bloom now in the Orchid House at the UC Botanical Garden. It needs high humidity, so there is a reason it is not growing outside. One of the wonderful things about the Bot Garden is that it can provide the special conditions that some of these exotic plants need.
Behind the orchid, that blue-gray hanging plant is Spanish Moss, Tillandsia usneoides. It is not Spanish, it is native to the southern US. And it is not a moss, it is a flowering plant, although the flowers are tiny and inconspicuous. It is named after Usnea, which presumable grows in Spain, since it grows all over the world, but is also not a moss, but a lichen. According to Wikipedia, Spanish Moss has been used for building insulation, mulch and packing material. It has also been used to stuff car seats, couches and mattresses. It is now use decoratively in bouquets and arrangements. Sometimes it is used on fences like a vine to provide privacy. Birds like to use it for nests. Many more interesting details about this plant are available here:
It has no roots and instead captures what it needs from the air around it.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Vernonia nudifolia--Iron Weed
This particular species of Vernonia is from Brazil, but others in this genus are native to Asia, Africa, and the Americas. In Africa, V. Calvoana, V. Amygdalina and V. colorata are eaten as leaf vegetables. It is called "Iron Weed" because the strong stems persist after leaves and flowers are gone. Plants in this genus generally have a bitter flavor, which discourages herbivores. The bitter chemicals have medicinal properties. Another Brazilian Vernonia species can be used to improve wound healing. An African species can be used to control diabetes. These plants have have been used traditionally and modern scientific research has substantiated the effectiveness. Blooming now near the Crop Garden at the UC Botanical Garden.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Corethrogyne filaginifolia CV Silver Carpet
Another common name is California Aster; much easier to pronounce than Corethrogyne. This is an easy perennial with pinkish flowers and silvery leaves. Like full sun and little water. This variety spills charmingly over the low rock wall out in front of the kiosk at the UC Botanical Garden. We have some specimens that will be available for purchase at the big sale on Sunday, September 26. Many other wonderful plants will also be available. Adult butterflies use the flowers for nectar, and checkerspot caterpillars feed on the foliage.
Colletia ulicina--Cunco--Rhamnaceae
Monday, September 20, 2010
Cunninghamia lanceiolata--China Fir
20. I guess the men like company. The mosaic on the ground of the fallen branchlets is just lovely! Also a fire hazard, apparently, but isn't the duff always a fire hazard?
The wood is soft and scented, probably a bit like cedar. Here, the cedar is used for closets or blanket chests. In China, the Cunninghamia is used to build coffins and temples, among other things.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Glottiphyllum linguiforme or Mesembryanthemum linguiforme
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Dasylirion Wheeleri--Desert Spoon
I think if I had named this plant, it would be called "Flower Worms." Just look at the shapes those flower stalks take as they emerge from the main stem! Looks fun up close. From a distance, the pale yellow flowers are not that impressive. There were so many bees on this plant when I snapped the pic at the UC Botanical Garden! All honey bees, as far as I could tell.
So this plant is not called "flower worms," it is called Desert Spoon because the base of the leaves are spoon shaped. They are quite rough and stiff, so I think no one would actually want to use the leaves as spoons. I have read that they are used in dried arrangements, however. The other common name is "Sotol" after the alcoholic drink made from the center core after the leaves are removed. It takes one plant 15 years to mature, and then only one bottle of sotol can be made from it. Very slow production. That center core can also be baked and eaten. Native Americans used the leaves to make mats, baskets and thatching. An imposing plant with many human uses.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Rhamnus californica--Coffeeberry
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Buckwheats and other Plants for Sale
Buckwheats are hosts to many butterflies, which means that the caterpillars eat them. Blues, Metalmarks, and hairstreaks all use buckwheats.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Brunsvigia josephinae--Josephine's Lily
This weird, lilyish-looking plant is now blooming at the UC Botanical Garden. Part of its weirdness is the lack of leaves; like the naked lady, it has no leaves when it is in bloom. It flowers in late summer when rains won't dilute the nectar. Then the leaves and seeds grow when the rains come in the fall. Another part of its weirdness is the interesting curves in the stems that support the flowers. Seems like all these characteristics that make it look strange to us make it very attractive to the sugarbirds which pollinate it. The sugarbirds of South Africa don't hover like hummingbirds. They need a landing platform, which the Josephine's Lily has conveniently provided just below the flower. Cool, huh?
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