Bright orange-red flowers in bloom now at the UC Botanical Garden. I could find little info about his plant; only that it is related to jade plant. Much showier than jade plant. I wonder if it grows easily around here...
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Crassula hystrix
Bright orange-red flowers in bloom now at the UC Botanical Garden. I could find little info about his plant; only that it is related to jade plant. Much showier than jade plant. I wonder if it grows easily around here...
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Salvia mexicana limelight
Friday, August 27, 2010
Asplenium scolopendrium--Hart's Tongue Fern
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Lobivia incaica
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Bouteloua gracillis--Eyebrow Grass--Poaceae
The Eyebrow Grass is blooming in the propagation area. This is one of the few native California grasses that will form anything close to turf or look anything like a lawn. It is thick and bouncey and has those unusual seedheads that look like eyebrows. This would probably be a great larval host plant for caterpillars that eat grass, like ringlets and skippers. For sale now at the UC Botanical Garden. Come to the plant sale tomorrow, Thursday. This will be the last sale before we close up shop to get ready for the big sale at the end of November. This is your chance to buy natives while avoiding the traffic and crowds at the big sale.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Diabrotica undecimpunctata--Spotted Cucumber Beetle
Cucumber beetles can damage cucumbers, melons and other crops, but I have never seen them do much damage in a home garden. I think they are almost as cute as lady bugs, but they are considered a pest.
Dune Tansy. Cute little button flowers and lovely mounds of ferny foliage, this native of coastal sand dunes needs plenty of drainage. Hardy to 15 degrees F. Spreads by rhizomes, and the leaves smell like camphor. Blooming now at the UC Botanical Garden.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Eriogonum grande var Rubescens
Not many California natives reward the gardener with so many richly colored flowers. But Red Buckwheat delivers! The caterpillars of Blues feed on this plant. It likes lots of sun and little water. Also, it needs good drainage. Adding pumice to the normal Berkeley clay will help make this plant successful. Blooming now at the UC Botanical Garden.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Lonciera subspicata subspicata--Bush Honeysuckle
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Vitis Californica--Roger's Red Grape
The Roger's Red Grapevine is starting to show fall colors. Beautiful, isn't it? It was once thought to be a variety of the native, Vitis Californica, but I remember hearing more recently that it is a hybrid between the native and European grapes. If you want a (sort of) California native with fall color, this is an excellent choice. Poison oak also works well, except for the itch. Another possibility is Rhus trilobata. But Roger's Red is big and beautiful and easy to grow; highly recommended.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Saturday Sale at the UC Botanical Garden
Alissa and Sallie washed pots. Isn't that a cute pic of them? The pots had been sitting outside too long, and were really dirty, so they really needed washing. Thank you Alissa and Sallie!
Deepa was the shero of the day. When the shop volunteer called in sick, Deepa took over. How do you have a plant sale without someone accepting money? You don't. Deepa saved the day!
Everyone else worked hard helping customers, moving plants, etc. Very successful.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Texas Butterflies
Aster subspicatus
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Epilobium densiflorum--Fireweed
This is fireweed. It looks nothing like Zauschneria, and I think it is awful that taxonomists have put them in the same genus. What are they thinking? This plant is a wimpy annual that colonizes after fires. The other is a graceful perennial. No comparison! In bloom now at the UC Botanical Garden. I caught it early, before it had bloomed, with morning dew. Actually kind of pretty!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Yucca filamentosa--Adam's Needle
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Epilobium canum cv. Solidarity Pink
Epilobium???? NO!!!!!! It will always be Zauschneria to me. Epilobium is fireweed, a wimpy little annual that no one would want to plant in the garden. Zauschneria, on the other hand, is perennial, graceful, and has lovely blooms in the late summer and fall. It is loved by humming birds and humans alike. Although this one, Solidarity Pink, is a little too washed out for me. I like the deeper more orange ones. But all of them are easy to grow and drought tolerant. We are selling several kinds of Epilobium at the UC Botanical Garden Native Plant Sale on Saturday. Many other plants are available, too. Check out the list, here:
See you there!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Calluna vulgaris--Heather
More than half of all ornamental plants are on someone's weed list, and this includes Calluna. In Australia, it can threaten biodiversity and cause environmental damage. In fact, in New Zealand, they imported a Calluna eating beetle, Lochmaea suturalis, to use as a biocontrol. Meanwhile, in
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Lavendula Augustifolia--English Lavender
I knew there were many different kinds of lavender, but I didn't know that there were almost 40 different species; plus hybrids, cultivars, varieties. My, my! The plant has been known and loved since Roman times. Both the word "lavender" and "lavatory" come from the same root, having something to do with washing, so lavender has been perfuming soaps for a very long time. However, as I mentioned in the tea tree post, it can be bad for you. One of the major chemicals found in lavender is linalool, which is toxic and can cause cancer. The plant can be very pretty. But it is best to avoid using fragrances in personal care products, even natural ones.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Cynara cardunculus--Cardoon
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Yesterday, Andy and I were at Strybing, teaching people about caterpillars and butterflies. It was very well attended, in spite of the cold wind. The umbrella blew over and broke before the end of the day. Next year I am wearing long underwear and a winter coat!
Today was the butterfly class at the UC Botanical Garden. The kids and their grandmother seemed to really enjoy the class. The grandmother found a pipevine swallowtail caterpillar, and you can see her pointing it out to the kids in the photo. The students got to see lots of beautiful live specimens up close. Then they watched a fabulous video on life cycle. After learning about rearing, they were ready to get out in the Garden and see some insects in their habitat. It was too cold for the butterflies to be flying, but the bees were out, and we found an egg, and of course, the caterpillar.
It was a busy weekend, but we all had a great time.
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