The UC Botanical Garden plant sale was yesterday and today. The pictures posted show all the lovely plants ready to be taken away to loving homes. The sale was rather mellow, fewer people than normal. I think the economic downturn has affected the plant sales.
I had three rather interesting entomological encounters. First the plant pathologist at the sick plant clinic asked for help identifying some eggs. They were enclosed between two pieced of tape. When I asked what plant they had been on, but nobody knew. What kind of eggs wouldn't be glued down? In fact, I think they were not eggs, but slow release fertilizer. The mystery eggs were not eggs at all!
Then I saw boy, maybe 8-10 years old, wearing a mantis tshirt. I told him about a mantis I had for a pet for awhile. When he asked how long it lived, I told him not long because I killed it for my insect collection. His face just fell! I wish I had lied to him! But still, I had a good time finding plants for him that would support butterflies and moths. I hope he forgives me...
Then there were these two men who saw my California Tortoiseshell picture next to the ceanothis. The torties lay their eggs in the ceanothis blossoms. One of them said, "I have never seen a tortoiseshell in Berkeley!" Of course, I had to stop him and tell him that the picture was taken right across the street from where he was standing. I told them to look for adults in the middle of march when the ceanothis starts to bloom.
Well, maybe we didn't sell a lot of plants, but we had a good time and we all learned something.